Thursday, November 04, 2004

NOVEMBER 4, 2004. So many things have happened the past couple of weeks and I rarely had time to update my blog. For one, it is another four year term for Mr. Bush. Expect the war on terror campaign to nudge another level. A more aggresive campaign and I don't think the Americans will ever leave IRAQ as long as Mr. Bush is the Head of the most powerful state in the world. Especially now that he feels/thinks that he has the support of his fellowmen. Four years of war. I hope it won't escalate. Spare us Mr. Bush.

WHERE WILL I BE FOUR YEARS FROM NOW? hmmmmm... i don't want to think about it yet. I have so many concerns and pressing matters that to add another, unnecessary thought and push my brain to the limit is like suicide. I'm like a rally car right now. Going through rough terrain. Off road, muddy tracks, brakes and brakes but forging on to my goal. I hope I will reach the end still in one piece. I am sure I will.

Polo: Different Moods

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Come. Celebrate life with us. Let's worship God!

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