Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Polo is still a baby

Started this post: August 7

I've been excited how much Polo is growing by leaps and bounds. How his motor and physical milestones have been manifesting. How tall he is vs his age group. Then, I would go back to reality that my son is still a five month old baby. He should be treated and looked upon as a baby and nothing more. I feel it whenever he cries and yup it is true a cry can pierce one's heart. My son seldoms cry. I mean really cry. Most of the time as I have mentioned before Polo would just smile or laughs. Sometimes, he would also express his boredom or frustration but not really crying as in crying. Wow. His cries are as powerful as his smiles and laughters. Honestly, he seldoms complain lying down or just sitting on his bouncy chair or carrier kaya I don't mind picking him up whenever he cries and quickly stops crying once he is in his daddy's arms. We would listen to his night music and a little bit of slow dancing and then off he goes to wonderland. I could place him right away in his crib or on our bed but I most of the time would just like to cherish these precious "kodak" moments.

Polo was earlier diagnosed to have a "suspected asthma" which greatly alarmed us. Wow! Not Polo our dear baby. I was so worried that I paused for awhile before was able to say anything. My mind just started to wander and got me to a cold and bitter world that I knew I had to stop myself from lingering in that place. Stop. I listened and asked the doctor about the things we needed to do in order for it not to progress or something. 1. Medication 2. Clean surrounding from any allergens including his stuffed toys (we already bid them farewell). 3. Pray that it isn't Asthma after all.

We bought the prescribed medicines and it was a costly weekend for us really. Thank God that we had enough to purchase a nebulizer and the medicines.

The following day we noticed that he pooped more that than he used to. I wasn't home and when Josephine shared it me I panicked again. Diarrhea is not good especially with babies. You know, we can't read their minds the only thing we can do is observe their behavior and their physical well being. No confirmation from Polo if he feeling this way or that. I was in Marikina but I readied myself to bring Polo to his real Pedia (the one we consulted the day before was the Pedia of a friend because Polo's doctor was attending a seminar). While driving, I called the doctor who prescribed the medicines then she said that it was actually normal and expexted but should not be more than 7x. Polo didn't reach that number. I ended up watching The Simpson's instead. But we still should have went to see Polo's Pedia. Because.......

Sunday came, Polo had rashes all over his body and he was really irritated maybe because of the itch basta he can't be pacified quickly. Worry worry worry.. what if it affects his breathing and he might choke because of the allergic reactions. We tried calling the doctor but she wasn't answering the phone. I had to leave our bedroom to relaz myself because I can feel that I was panicking and I am not really someone who easily panick especially in emergency situations (I know, I have experienced some life threatening moments already) but this, man and considering that Polo's condition isn't really on the top chart as something very dangerous.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sick Baby Polo

Totally new experience for us. So, this is how it is to see your own child getting sick. Polo has cough and colds since Monday (too bad, I think he got it from me). All we want now is for him to get better and we really mean and feel it. One, Polo can not talk yet so it is hard to know exactly what he is going through. Second, we can see how he is struggling everytime he coughs. The thing is unlike in adults "ey just drink this and you feel better". We can not give him anything but wait for the virus to pass away. Though, we will go to his pedia tomorrow so he can receive medication or for our own peace of mind (if you know what I mean).

Yeah. I heard and read it somewhere that sickness can actually develop his immune system. Will it, really? Seriously? I told Polo that life is really like this sometimes you will get sick just like anyone. We are here to help you as much as we could to make it easier and more comfortable.

I have to get well too. I also have been sick since Friday. Cough and colds. Good thing no fever or flu or anything more serious. I feel ok then after awhile I would feel weak. Yeah, stress in work will is directly proportional to getting well. (Did I state it right?). The more stress, the more you will get sick. Too bad too bad.

Tomorrow is already a Friday. Thank God. We will go to the doctor and I will have my rest tomorrow until Saturday. Laundry day. I guess I will be on my own this Saturday in Marikina.

Everybody is getting sick actually. Here in my office there are about seven sick people (including myself). Some have to take a leave already. It isnt just me or us. July is really a month of sickness because of the weather. It rains almost everyday but the sky would quickly clear and the heat of the sun would dry up and cause havoc on our physical well being. That explains why I always get sick on July. All along I thought it was because of my birthday, that I am cursed. I guess, the weather is more reasonable and logical explanation.

Good thing, Mommy Josephine isn't following the latest trend. She is strong and patiently taking good care of his boys. Praise God she isn't sickly like me. Exercise Marvin exercise! That's my body shouting.

We had a seminar last week (while I was sick) and one of the activities asked us to draw what make my life happy right now (or something like that). Top of mind for me of course is my little family. The three of us. Josephine, Me and Polo. So that's what I wanted to draw and share to the group.

Here you go. I am sharing my masterpiece that any Juan Luna or Van Gogh will surely be envious of my skills as an artist.

Hahahahahaahahaha. I draw like a preschool kid. Hmmmm. Come to think of it, I like how I represented myself. A simple boy. But look at Polo!!! hahahahaha.. My child is just a five month old baby not five years old. I am so sorry my Josephine. Better visit your hair stylist. hahahahahaha. I have a good visualization on how I want it to be but...... the artist in me prevailed. I hope this can end up with "Tin's list of great work of art" in case she decides to start one.

Yeah, Mariel start laughing. hahahahahaha.. This is better that any of your anime. :)

Polo: Different Moods

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Come. Celebrate life with us. Let's worship God!

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