Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our new life.

Time has passed. Many things have happened. From me struggling but enjoying my early career life in Smart, living and learning a Christian life, being with Josephine and learning to love each other more then deciding to get married, moving up the ladder, a miscarriage, living with in-laws, having Polo, getting promoted, then here we are in Luxembourg and I'm a manager of one if not the biggest Telco group in the world. Wow. indeed. Praise God.

From Marikina to Makati to Paranaque and now to Walferdange Luxembourg. Life is not stopping. Literally. We will have baby Nicolo joining this simple family very very very soon.

Sad. I lost most of my journals in the flood. Now, this blog that I kept for many years is the only one that keeps what I have been through, what I going through and what I will go through. Somehow. My life keeps on moving. I can read it here. C'est ici! I am thankful. so much. to God. He is the reason for everything.

We are blessed. I am blessed. I have Josephine first of all. Then Polo and then Baby Nicolo. I have a wonderful job that can support us and our families in the Philippines and in the USA. I don't mind really. We just need to manage our finances and somehow, we are learning and enjoying it.

I know and accept that it was different when Polo was about to be born. Yeah, we were like doing everything to accept our first child. It is different now with Nicolo. Gone were the crazy preparation. We know already a thing or two about birth and caring for new born. Of course easier to say but actually we are more relaxed. But the circumstance then was different from today. I believe baby nicolo will have a different experience. He will have the full attention of his mother. A great team of doctors. Modern hospital. Free birth. He will receive allowances from the government. Of course, he is the only Agustin to be born in Europe! Wow. Amazing for him. I am excited for him and even Polo for the opportunities that they can have here. I do pray for guidance that we will be able to lead them to the right direction. In God's name, I claim we will.

I seldom write here. I can blame facebook because I usually spend my surfing hours in it and by the time I feel I should write something on my blog, the interest has left me. Maybe also, I don't feel so much stressed and there is nothing to expressed in written form whether to pick my self up, to see things differently, to vent, to just free my self from any negative feelings, to share positive events as well, my thought etc., etc.,

Yes. I feel better and fulfilled that I dont see any reason to complain or any reason to be sad, depressed etc., Probably, it is time to reach out. I am healed and well taken care of, then I need to stretch my self and be of service to others. Not just with our family but even to total strangers.

Everyday, I thank God for his goodness.

Polo: Different Moods

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Come. Celebrate life with us. Let's worship God!

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