Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Let's get it on!

A different playing field. Upgrade. Just like in video games, in order for you to be more successful and win in the next level, you have to get some new tools, power, skills etc. Otherwise, it would tough to finish it or worse you will not even see the end.

Wow. The international roaming industry has changed so much since I started working. At first, it was just a matter of roll outs with new and happy roaming partners. Then came new technologies, then the alliances and now the rates game. Oh, the technology hasn't stopped yet. It just keeps on getting complicated. So many things to read.

This is precisely the reason why people should be trained as well. To cope and compete in this new game. Not only to learn from experience but maybe to acquire new skills through training. Pacquiao who is a great boxer no doubt but still he trains seriously whenever he has a fight. It pays off at the end.

I am not saying that we are not capable but as I've said it would help us be more efficient and effective in this highly competitive industry. Global.

I can't believe that I have this work. Really. I love it!!!! :) It is difficult and challenging but I enjoy it. Yeah, I spend extra hours working at home. Have not done that for years. I am not saying that I dont feel fear. I am not anxious. That it is all positive. Not. There are times when I want to quit and yes just be at home and spend the day not thinking about work. But c'mmon, this is perfectly where I want to be. I know there are a lot of things to improve. The problem is not with just work itself but I also encounter even with my own team and others. That's how dynamic everything is. Also, if you are not doing good (revenue wise), I understand that the more I will experience pressure and this moment is a perfect ground to learn about everything.

I am sure I have not experience yet the full force of this storm. It has just started. I should be mentally, emotionally and physically strong to arrive at the shore. I am. I still acknowledge God is with me.

1. Pray
2. Focus
3. Order
4. Courage
5. Fight

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