Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Just let go...

An ex colleague's father died
An ex colleague died
A friend's father died
A grand father died
A grand mother died
A new friend will leave the country very soon
A good friend will leave the country this weekend
I just said good bye to a friend in Singapore

There's just too much good byes lately. Every month some one is dying and some are leaving the country. Yesterday, it was too much for me to handle. I was about to burst into tears so I just stood up and walked around just to distract my self and control the overwhelming emotion buidling up. Whew. That was really something.

Yeah, I have a problem with people leaving. It really doesn't matter whatever kind of friendship established. It would still affect me but in different degrees. I respect myself and I acknowledge that I am just being me.

Too much is happening in our work too. For the first time in my Roaming life, there would be a drastic change and I am happy that hopefully this change will help us and challange us to succeed. There will be a clear direction as to what we should do and what should we target.

I have hundreds of emails left unread. This is one thing I hate whenever I am not in the office. I have to return knowing that I will be greeted wiht numerous emails. Some very important and urgent (which I need to sort and this would take time), some are important and no need for immdeiate attention, some are forwarded messages which usually end up at my trash bin, some are personal emails from friends (it depends if Im in the mood or not), some are corporate information (if it has nothing to do with bonus... i delete it immediately..hehehehe).

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Hi Martin- Just checking in. You know, I lost several family members to death in about 6 months time. It was very difficult, and made me overly aware of my own mortality. It's tough, I know. Take care, brother.


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