Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Simple Answer.Give.

There is so much to write here but time and energy have left me. I am so stressed. Goodness! I love it though....

An opportunity to give. That's a shift in paradigm. Giving not because the person is in need nor is it because it is an obligation. This is giving for a wrong reason. I tend to count what I have before I do so. Sometimes I am able to give more than what I have but really not willingly. There's that feeling of hopelessness and fear of what will still be left for me. I give but I admit that I am angry sometimes of why we have to when in fact we have our own problems to settle.

Look at this line of thought. Valid and yet it wasn't the message I received from God. He really knew what was going on inside my limited mind. A limited generosity. He knew my concerns and as I've mentioned. They are indeed valid and justified. God didn't get angry with me because He sees my concerns and fears. All the time His message is that He is just there so I do not need to worry too much. The other night, His message was clear. I should give openly and with abandonment because of Him alone. I will give the sampaguita girl/boy some money not because of pity, not because I want the child to get out of my sight, not because of poverty, but because Jesus says so.

Why I should give? Because Jesus says so. Simple answer to so many complicated issues I have now. Giving is not always in physical form but it could be in emotional and spiritual forms. Jesus in my mind. Always.

From here there on I think and just like how it was with my previous decisions in life, I will follow Jesus. With my imperfect attitude, I will allow God to be at the forefront of the battle again. He is my captain and I know that He knows what is best for us. Amen to that!

1 comment:

tin-tin said...

kuya marvin, i like reading your posts. it's like it's a totally different kuya marvin. ang serious. but i'm learning something from each post. sobrang nakaka-enlighten. but still, i can;t beleive that it's you who's writing. parang nag-reverse kyo ng identity ni ate jopay. hehe. love you both! :)

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