Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My Freedom

I am free.
The other day God told me so.
What does it mean?
I know I am.
Yes, Marvin you do.

You are free.
The other day God told me so.
What does it mean?
Why did you say that to me again?
So that you may believe.

Am I Free?
The other day Gold told me so.
What does it mean?
I am confuse.
Then open your eyes so you may see

I am not Free.
That other day God told me so.
What does it mean?
I am living a life struggling to be free
Now you understand

Be free
The other day God told me so
I now know what it means
I have allowed the light to pass through me
Never surrender your freedom again

1 comment:

tin-tin said...

free from what? :)

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