Monday, July 24, 2006

I'm Thirty-Three years old

I just celebrated my birthday last Saturday. I was sick. But I was happy for my birthday, so many people greeteed me even those whom I haven't seen in ages. They remembered. It was just a simple celebration. The simplest I had in years but it was very special for me. I spent it with the most important person the world. My beautiful, lovely and pregnant wife.

We first attended the first birthday party of our friend's daughter. We were not there during the birth nor during the baptism so we knew we had to attend. Anyway, one thing for sure. We are all on our way to "getting old" already. Wow!! This is our crowd already. Married friends with kid/s. A different world has come and we even have to let go for a while of some memories because we are busy making new ones. : ). The place was too cold though and I think it aggrevated my fever.

We stayed for awhile with my sister in law and then we went to Sanctuario to attend what became: my birrthday mass, anticipated Sunday mass and Josephine's birthday mass. My wife prepared something for me. Just the thought, the she prepared something for my birthday made me love her more. I really felt special. I wasn't really in the mood to be with other people so I was very happy to have dinner with her and even though we just had enough money for the evening, praise God we still have money. : ).

So, Josephine bought tickets and we watched a play about relationship. It was funny and I think has good message. I laughed not so much because of the play but the thought that my wife was laughing whenever the characters sing their lines. I sometimes do that. hahahahahaha. Unfortunately, I can't stand it anymore and I requested that we go home.

We did. It was my father in law's birthday too and my thoughtfull Josephine bought a cake. There we were, celebrating a simple birthday. I am happy. Yesterday was Josephine's birthday. I wasn't able to join her to celebrate it with our relatives (actually, it was for all the July's celebrants). I stayed and home and rested. But it wasn't enough because I am still sick.

Thirty three years old. Some say that Jesus started His ministry when He turned 33. Late bloomer but He did it excellently. Right? The bible is the most printed book and I guess Jesus' life is the most read story of all time too. Jesus was ready at 33 and how He did it changed our lives forever.

Hmmmmm.... What about me? Well, I received one of the greatest gifts in my life at 33. I will be a daddy just maybe 6 or 5 months from now. May I be able to the daddy and husband that I am ought to be. : ) Sometimes I am worried but it's always Jesus who assures me that it will be ok. He will still be there for us. to go. : )

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Remebering Joshua

Dear Child,

I've been thinking about you lately and everytime I do so, I feel like bursting to tears. Not because you are not here. I've already accepted that a year ago but because of the reason why you came. You came silently into our lives and when you left we were filled with love.

I was so happy when I found out that you were here but I wasn't prepared mentally, emotionally and spiritually on the days that followed. Everything happened so fast. We never knew what was happening nor how to handle such situation. A roller coaster ride was how I described it. We felt extreme joy then all of the sudden our feelings plummented to desperation to sorrow and to grief. But it didn't end here. Love came.

In spite of this, we remain faithful to God to the very end. I chose to be comforted by Him than to be angry at Him or be depressed by myself. No one can comfort us at that time but through God's loving arms, we rested our tired and weeping heart.

I never asked God why He has to take you right away. Two months. I even saw you already. But that was it, we were given a chance to see just a glimpse of an angel in our midst. You looked so peaceful and innocent. But when Father called you, we knew you have to go home.

Thank you. The fruit of your coming is love. Nothing else. We were surrounded by our family and friends all through out. They let us know that they were just there. Love cast all fears away. Love gave us wisdom not to fully understand but to accept.

You cleansed the womb of you mom. In the process, made her well. You prepared her and now we are ready to bring into this world the gift that Jesus has given us.

Thank you my dear child and forever you will be in my heart. I will always remember you my dear angel.


Daddy and Mommy

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The First Gift

First week of July

I am not that too surprised (but I am elated!!)that God gave His gift this early because maybe it is not the last one : ). I'm sure. I'm sure. If it is, I praise and thank God for His faithfulness to us.

It was several weeks back when God revealed to us that He is going to give/do something to us. Amidst the daily struggles and ups and downs, I smiled inside knowing and believing that at the end God will reign victorious. I never doubted. I even realized why I had to go through the struggles that even now are still present. One. He is teaching me to focus on Him more. Two. I shouldn't think twice of helping others even if it means giving up so much because He can outdo our generosity. But true generosity must come from a sincere heart. I'm still learning the ropes. Three. He is healing me from my past. See my previous post? My past like my present and future is all about Jesus. Four. Many more!

So where are we in gift giving? First gift of Jesus. My wife is pregnant!! We just found out yesterday after the pregnancy test. She woke me up and told me the good news! Right there and then, I immediately felt God's presence. I remembered Him. Praise God indeed.

July is both our birthday month. God has just started giving us gifts and we felt loved from the people around us. Both from families and friends.

God isn't finished yet. Maybe He will give us His permission to migrate to US and give me a stable job. Oh well, I like surprises so I will let the Giver decide what's best for us.

God is good.

Polo: Different Moods

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Come. Celebrate life with us. Let's worship God!

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