Monday, June 05, 2006

Just some things

Fill in the blanks. Choose the correct letter that correspond to what you are feeling today.

1. I am _____ today. Though, the day started just fine, it has dawn on me the magnitude of what I am suppose to do. Here at work and personal matters. I look forward to overcome all obstacles whether physical, mental or spiritual in nature.

2. In a few months, time I will change the landscape. I will rock my self out of complaceny which I do not wish to blame against me or anyone in particular. It is just happening and I must do something to stir the calm water which if look closely is somewhat murky. It can not easily be seen because it is dark here and sometimes when the sun is up, the unlikely color appears. Not yet though, but it is time to flush it out. I would (a). actively pursue an international job. (b). I will suck in all I have now and find a way to be more organized. (c). Request to be unloaded. Too much thing to do is really paralazying me. (d) All of the above. I don't have the answer but God does. I'm bent with my knees and pray to God for the much needed direction.

3. In my mind, I can do it but I can't see any result. I am starting to be heavy. I will try to ________ more and more. I don't want to grow old and grow big literally. I see myself healthy as I add days and years. __________ is the number key to achieve this. I know because I usually give in whenever an __________ presented itself. I gulped an entire forest to satisfy my appetite. It has ended a month ago and I am more ______________ about it.

4. I acknowledge that where I am right now is the fruit of God's patience all throughout and right at this very moment He remains faithful to me. Making sure, that I am ok. There are times, actually many times I allow myself to drift and float aimlessly and there is Jesus. Casting a rope, where I can hold and pulling me closer to Him. How could I repay such persistence? Evedyday I spend more than 10 hours working but _______________. Go go go go!! No time to be in a _____________________ mood. Just put on your shoes and run.

5. (a) Don't I have a role model, a mentor to guide me? (b) Who is this person in my life?
Is it ____________ or _________ or __________? (c) Do I need one? Yes, I do. I long to have a mentor. While I am adult and has knowledge how to decide on life matters, I see the need for someone who can pinpoint to me what I am doing right and what I could improve on. In sear\of a mentor. Any candidates? First and foremost he should be a Man of God. Living a balanced life.

6. Financial savings, wedding photo album, loans and credit cards, financial assistance to family and friends, plans for the future, commmunity life, personal programs.....etc., arrrrrgh!!!! Given all these, I feel _____________________. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! What if God is allowing these things to happen all at the same time because He ______________? Maybe? Look at fruits at the end and then adjust accordingly. I am aware and everyday and night I see myself being cut thinly of the responsibilities controling my life right now. Ah? that's the point. Should I control or leave it alone and let it control me? The answer is pretty ____________.

Polo: Different Moods

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