Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Thirteen Minutes

I need a change here in my work. However, I will wait upon the Lord to tell me what to do. I am starting to get depress day by day. What's keeping me sane is our wedding and my community life. I will not be afraid the Lord is beside me and I trust His plans for me. I know He has. He's not yet finished. Counting your blessings everyday will help fight depression. Not just the big ones but you have to see the small ones which occur everyday. Like for example, that freak accident I had. The blessing is that I have a friend doctor who gave me a free anti tetanus shot. See. I had a problem with the battery of my car. It's been like that since late last week but nothing serious happened to me, no accident or just stopping somewhere in the wee hours of the morning. Praise God. My brother is very good with cars so he took time to check my car. What else? Being able to attend the prayer meeting and seeing my friends last night. That's a blessing, isn't it? Work is just a tiny part of my life and I will not allow myself to be so affected by what is happening. God, let me see your plans for me with my work. Please. : )

I got to go.

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