Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My thought today

We are not done yet with gift wrapping and gift giving or even buying gifts. Christmas rush, cramming! That's what we are now. Cristmas crammers! I can say that we are just half finished and because we do not have money yet for the nth part of our shopping, we are more focused on wrapping and giving gifts.

By the way, I finally have my first Starbucks' 2007 planner. Now, what am I going to use it for. For meetings, microsoft calendar is already available. For journals, I have this blog. For birthday and special occassions reminders, I have my phone to remind me and it comes with a sound.

I guess, I will go back in time when I still love using a planner. It was a must for me to have one otherwise I can't start a year. It helped so much when I was in college as I study and became very active in extracurricular activities. But now???

I will use it. :)

I am happy that I was able to settle my financial obligations. I mean, I am managing our finances better than how I did it before. I know that this skill will come in handy starting next year especially now that we are having a baby. There are still things we hope to improve next year.

Whew, what a tiring year this has been. Isn't it? I dont know about you? But for me it was. Or maybe it comes with age. Hey, I am not that old yet but I can feel fatigue creeping everyday. It is like in the afternoon all my energy has been sucked. Lesson. I have to be carefull on how I spend my energy. Useful or useless activities? At the same time, I know that I have to aim to stay fit next year. When before I can sleep late (even very late) for several days but now?? I can't. One sleepless night is equivalent to several days of restlessness. How sad?

This is one of the important lessons that I should be more conscious about next year.

I still have the interview. I thought it was dead. It is still alive and promising.

1 comment:

Pia said...

wow you have the starbucks planner! hmm that means you had that many cups of coffee??? hehehe.

when baby boy agustin comes, you'll be surprised because you'll be sleeping late and waking up early every single day, and still have lots of energy to change diapers and rock him to sleep! LOL.

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