You are always in my mind
Not a single day that I have not thought of you
Every where I look I place a mental image of you
To see you, would bring much joy to all of us
I read to you three different magical stories last night
I knew you were listening as I felt your kick in your Mommy's womb
After our story telling, I spent an hour or so
Imagining the things we are going to do
I filled in the gaps but I know later on
You will be part of the decision making
I guess I will enjoy everything while you are still a child
A time will come when I have to let go of you
That will be, hmmmm maybe the middle chapter already
I will not jump into that yet
Today and while you are still a child
We will do things together
In the later part of your childhood I hope to guide you
I hope impart to you wisdom and help you
I wish you to be independent and later on interdependent
Then you are ready to go into this world
There are just two important lessons in life
that I wish you will take with you as grow up
One. To love and honor God with all of you heart, soul and mind
Allow Him to be your true Father
I wish that you will establish a personal relationship with him
and feel His comforting life to surround you.
Two. My child, love your mother. Never miss a day without letting her know
How much you love her and how much you appreciate her. Let her know how beautiful she is
Not only from the outside but in the inside as well. Take care of her until she grows old and weary. I'm telling you. She is not difficult to love. It is so easy. Just look at her and you will see what I mean.
Life they say is too short. I guess it is
So, when you come on board.
We will have fun and enjoy this life
We will make beautiful memories together.
I love you.