Friday, February 09, 2007

Ephphata! (Be Opened)

That was part of the gospel reading (Mk 7:31-37) that struck me. Jesus cured a deaf man by saying ephphata! The gospels lately were all about healing. It is a good time to pray for others who are sick. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. For sure, His mercy will be given to those who seek and believed. Have faith my friends! Seek the healer just like the mother of a dead girl, or the woman who was bleeding for years. Jesus performed miracles to all of them. Even to the Gentiles.

I chased the wind to all corners of the world
I followed the waves until it disappear in the shore
I counted the stars only to find more
Nothing worth pursuing

You stand on your own
Define your heart's desire
Align yourself to God's plan for you
Follow Him follow Him

Our hearts belong to God
It knows His voice
A voice full of hope and compassion
Set your heart free

Then bow to your knees at the end of the day
In humility, give back to God the glory
Accept in open arms His guidance
and rest in His arms

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