Monday, December 03, 2007

Celebrating our 3rd year wedding anniversary

At first, I really wanted to celebrate it with our close friends but the schedule was tough. We can not force them to join us. I realized over the weekend that maybe it would be best to gather the family first before others. Finance was a concern but a good (early) planning next year maybe could help. Dont jumped right into a should and should not or do's and don't about this matter. At the end, we had our family celebrating it with us in Caylabne. We all enjoyed the gathering and it wasn't that expensive.

November 30.

We packed our bags into our small car (maybe Ezekiel's final assignment-long driving) and headed to our Caylabne adventure for a 3 days 2 nights stay. Me, Josephine and Polo made a stop over at the Petron station for our Mcdo lunch. I think whether we need to stop or not I guess we would have to. I mean. It is like a tradition already if you are heading south. A stop over is always fun. It was also Polo's first time to go to south. And the picture taking has started! :)

It took us about two hours to reach Caylabne. Too bad Polo was sleeping and he failed to see the hill that we climbed to get to the resort. I thought we still had time to go swimming but it was really cold. We had our merienda and Polo had his and by the time we finished everything it was already getting dark. So we ordered our dinner even if we just finished our snacks and later on watched the cultural presentation of the staff of Caylabne.

Polo got tired and we went back to our room so he can rest and change clothes. As for me, I went to the break water to catch fish. It was really cold and I was all alone. At first I just caught small fishes and a lot of "sabit". I was running out of weights because of the waves and the rocks. That didn't deter me to pursue my goal. So I prayed that I may catch a Maya Maya or a Talakitok or a big Lapu Lapu. After I said my prayers, I caught a big fish, a Maya Maya! Whoa! Prayers work! I went back at our our room at maybe midnight already. Satisfied.

To be continued:
December 1, Anniversary day.

1 comment:

tin-tin said...

magkakaron ka na ng bagong car? :)

Polo: Different Moods

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Come. Celebrate life with us. Let's worship God!

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