Thursday, December 21, 2006

little bit of sharing

Christmas is a season not only of giving gift but of eating as well! We eat and eat and eat. I remember that I gained more than five pounds last Christmas and I wasn't able to lose it anymore. Here I go again. There is literally food everywhere. Not yet over. Eating has just begun.

Praise God. We only need to control our Christmas expenses and then we are assured of being able to afford our baby's entry to the world. Thank You, Lord for all the blessings! Thank God for giving us this work. We are ready.


Pia said...

don't worry too much papa-2-be! all they need when they're born are a crib, lots of diapers & wipes, mommy's milk, and shirts! =)

cheers to all the food this season! hehehe!

tin-tin said...

merry christmas kuya marvin! :)

Polo: Different Moods

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