Thursday, September 30, 2004

My Mind Speaking

I say a lot even if my lips are tightly sealed
Everything I could think of, no boundaries
Just me and my thought

Some thoughts are useful and inspiring
While others are totally garbage
Some thoughts see the future
While others linger and cherish the past

Talk to yourself from time to time
Call it crazy
Call it weird
Call it everything
It is still needed


I don't know where that it going. Today is the last day of the month of September. Wow. Two months to go and it will be the biggest event of my life. I am tying the know with my Fiancee. Yahooo.Yes!!! I am not nervous nor worried about leaving my bachelor life. Actually, I want to leave it and start a new life. I'm done being single. I don't find joy nor any satisfaction anymore. Time to move on and I am blessed that it is about to happen.

Life is a cycle. I've already witnessed the different stages and even eperienced the early stages of life (obviously).

FIRST STAGE : Birth. FINAL STAGE : DEATH. That's about it. It's what you did between the two stages that will define your life. (As a Catholic, I do believe in life after death and our true destiny is to be with our Creator.) If my life span is around 70 years. then I only have less than 40 years to live. hmmmmm. not bad it is far but I'm already reaching half of my life. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....
There is always a possibility that life could end abruptly. Sickness, accident or being victim of crimes. We have a short life here on earth, come to think of it. It is just right therefore to enjoy every minute you have. Because it would be a waste of time to indulge on things that wouldn't add value to your life.(my thought).

hey, i started something here that should be given proper concentration.... i don't have that now, so i will stop this. sorry.

NEXT PLEASE. Tomorrow maybe

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