Monday, September 05, 2005

Not enough time - it's Monday again

The Drama has reached it clamax or has it? There is silence and clamness right now but I am sure there will be a second wave. There hasn't any resolution yet so it stil ain't over. Because of my busy weekend I was not able to think more of this. It was a healthy distraction. As usual all I can say is that I am tired once again!!! I want to go on leave again but all my weekends are full this September.

I was comfortable being in front of people last weekend. Though, I only handled minor activities I still learned so much and the experience made me more comfortable handling small sessions. Maybe later on, I will be more confident when I will be given major programs.

I left my car keys inside my car's trunk! Imgaine, I blew opened my schedule when I realized there was nothing I can do but to wait for my wife to bring over the spare key. I raised my white flag knowing there was no use rushing and panicking. I was already entertaining the thought of just breaking the car's window. Good thing it rained. I mean, the rain made me realized that my plan was plain stupid. Anyway, we got home at 10pm already. There was little we can do but just to do house chores especially our clean clothes. After that, my wife and rested.

Should I attend the prayer meeting tonight? I am open in not attending. But now final decision yet.

Oh well, it is Monday. I just pray that God will guide me throughout the week Actually, that I maybe sensitive to Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another first hand account of life in New Orleans
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