Monday, November 07, 2005

A different day

It was exactly last year when I first stayed at our first home. A month after Josephine and I got married. Now, Alpha S 1011 will officially be part of our past. We definitely enjoyed staying in this place as we entertained our families and friends. We shared this home to people who are close to us. I think we never missed a week without visitors and our last one was our family, my in-laws. We learned the how-to-entertain-guest from our Ninang Tina. They were great hosts when we visited them in HK.

I know that our friends also enjoyed their visit in our place. We played Taboo (I experienced shortness of breath because of laughing so hard). We watched Friends (which I missed when I was in college). Or we spent the night eating. It was convenient also for us that our office is just a few blocks away from Alpha S and I never had to contend with traffic, rising gas prices or looking for cheaper parking.

But, we have to move on. If you ask us, we want to stay in Alpha S or just move to a cheaper unit but just Alpha 1 and Alpha 2. In one of the prayer meetings we attended, God re-affirmed to me (us) His undying love. His commitment. He asked us to obey Him. God revealed that we go and be with our family even if we don't know what it would mean to us. Definitely, it is good. After hearing it, my struggles faded and died. I felt at peace and empowered. Yeah, we have valid concerns and some petty issues. These don't matter anymore. We prayed and God gave us the answers. The answers might not be good music to our ears and against our personal plans but His voice changed everything. I will follow God and won't delay it. When I said yes to God, I said it sincerely. Not because of anything but because of God alone.

So, I am looking forward to our second chapter. Chapter 1 has ended will all its comedy, drama and suspense and chapter 2 promises more. God is the author and I am certain that it will be a hit, a best seller...New York Times... Chicago Tribune.. or what have you.

I will be busy this November which I am sure is part of the package. Worrying about our transfer then shouldn't be entertained anymore because we have other responsibilites that needed our attention. We followed Christ and so looking back and hanging on will not be part of our system anymore.

Tomorrow, will be a different day!

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