Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Praise God!

I thank God for the miracle last night. Me standing in front of many people? That was not me..: ) . Praise God. I was blessed and claiming that others were blessed too. I felt the difference as a prayer leader and as a participant. Honestly, I could've expressed myself better if I was part of the crowd. Leading stopped me (being a rookie) from total abandonment, I felt that I was controlling my emotions to make sure that I was still aware of what's happening with others as they worship. But generally, it was really great and amazing. I had my first experience several months ago but last night was like my first. Thank God as well that Josephine was there beside me. She's my perfect example of someone who can lead prayer worship excellently. God's grace. I remember months ago I asked God for empowerment. Thank God because He did and He is not done yet. Need anything? Asked God I'm sure if it is for your own good He will right away answer your prayer.

We had dinner with the people in our ministry. Sentimental fool or not, I found it touching to see so many people eating together, just like one big family. We know each other and all were smiling. Shy or outspoken all at the same table. Sharing stories, jokes, funny moments, experiences... etc.

I just came from several rounds of meeting and I feel tired. Though, I have no problem with the meetings I attended. I want it and excited about it. That's one sector where God made me feel empowered. Through my job.

Praise God. My Alpha and Omega. I love you, Jesus.

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