Monday, January 22, 2007

Weekend Tidbits

Josephine's surprise baby shower (Saturday)
Pia/Tin, you should've been there! : ). She cried! hehehehe

I guess that must be my first successful "surprise" for Josephine. It was darn hard to keep it to myself and I got nervous each passing day before the shower event. Because, I have the tendecy to give clues to Josephine and I can't because she will be able to connect all my weird behavior. She didn't!! hahahahaa and she thought it was Tyronne's bday celebration! Then lo and behold, our friends were there to surprise her. : )

The guests were: Chi and Dandy, Mian, Corr, Dodie, Abbie, Eloy, Jojo B., Puchete, Rad, Baby Isabela (here two Yaya's) and of course the Mara and Tan's. Thanks to the organizers! Joane and Princess! :) Good good.

Now, my little boy needs his own cabinet! He has a lot of stuff already and it is occupying a lot of space in our cabinet. I'm sure my clothes will be the first to go. hehehehe. Josephine has already started making patches for our baby's clothes. Of course, she will not be able to needle all of his name in one small patch or even his little clothe! :) He has afterall a long name.

Pre natal class (Sunday)

Three more weeks to go and we will graduate! hehehehe. I was teasing Josephine, what if you give birth before we can even finish this class? Are we going to fail? No WAY!!! :) I will attend the class still and I am sure that they will find it strange that my pregnant wife isn't with me. hahahaha.. But I want to finish it. ( I wish I have the same attitude when I was still studying! )

Imagine, Josephine will be in her 36th week tomorrow! Whoa............Whoa...........whoa........ It means, she can give birth anytime now! How we wish we can predict when! But that would certainly ruin all the action and drama and comedy of the whole thing! :) I like the class because aside from learning and understanding a lot about pregnancy, I can feel this certain confidence that we will just do fine. It is like we are prepared mentally and emotionally but of course I understand that I can not really compare it to the real thing.

Yesterday, I saw a father and a son. What caught my attention was how youg the boy is. Maybe he is around 9-10 years old while his father is already in his 40s. Me? When my first born is 10 years old then I will also be in my 40s. hahahahaha.. same thing. "Go son, get the ball while I wait for you here (resting)!"Oh, darn he isn't tired yet!" " Let's play ball, first to five (5) only!". "Why don't we just play chess" Oh, Wow! Chess will be our sport then! hahahahahaha....

On a deeper level, I realized that if the average life span of Filipinos (male) is let's say around 65 years old then I have reached half of my life already! Whew! What a race this life is! First of all, I am happy how I turned out to be (so far..: ) ). Maybe not in the standard of the human eyes but just my own eyes. It isn't perfect but I know beyond all of this, God loves me! That's it! For the first half of my life, I know and I have felt God's presence in my life. It dawned on me, that really there is no sense to fool around in one's life. Life is just too short. There shouldn't also be no rooms for anger and unforgiveness because it could really waste a lot of good opportunities.

Anyway, I guess it is time to get busy with my second half of my dear life.

To know Christ more and more for the next 3o+ years of my life
To be a faithful and loving husband to Josephine
To be a good example to my children by being a Christian father to them
To do my best to serve my commnunity/country in what ever way I can (no pressure..: ) )

"Those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance" from Heb 9:15,24-28


tin-tin said...

sayang talaga, i was not able to come. sunday na lang kse sana. hehehe.

wow! tipid na kyo sa pagbili. hehehe. sa binyag na lang ako bawi. any special request?

talagang naaliw ka sa class nyo ha. i'm sure kuya marvin you'll be a great dad :)

Pia said...

aww i wish i were there! ikaw talaga marvin, wag masyado mag-srprise, baka mapaaga si polo hehehe. =) baby showers are the best aren't they? after getting all the loot, kulang na lang si polo!

time to prepare your hospital bag!

Polo: Different Moods

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Come. Celebrate life with us. Let's worship God!

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