Thursday, May 27, 2004

Daily thing

Here comes school. Some have started and others will slowly follow then it's back to normal. I now have to wake up an hour earlier so I wouldn't be caught with the daily traffic grind. traffic traffic traffic. How I hate it. I would really prefer to be relocated near our office. Let may car just rest and walk to my office every morning and in the afternoon to go home. But no no no... I have to go though this stupid traffic. The earlier you go home, the more horrible the traffic is...

So it is final, we will be transferred to a new department. Good. because I really think even before that we should really be part of the group and not some technical people. Also, we will have a direction finally. Bad. well, not really but you know people about changes. there will be adjustment because of new leaders, new people around etc etc.,.. part of life.

tomorrow will be the deliberation for my upgrade. that is something good of course. a welcome news for us. thank God thank God.

about God, Im really sorry Lord. I've been postponing my date with You. I admit it's because of my laziness and the thought that I am not ready to commit. I hear you everyday calling me and I know that deep inside me I want to follow your voice and yet I delay it... tsk tsk tsk..Please grant me the strength, the discipline to follow you Lord. I ask that you Humble me Father. It is only through humility that I can do this. Father, let me come to You. I want to be near you. Help me feel it.

We are going to watch shrek 2 tonight (i really hope so) because Josephine is still in a mtg.

I saw the link of the one beheaded in Iraq. I have no guts to view it though and I don't think I need to see such gruesome killing. It might also cause nightmares. May your soul rest in peace together with God in Heaven, brother.

another disturbing news is that of Sef. How unfotunate and it was really unbelievable that he did it. May the God forgive you and may ask for forgiveness from your family, relatinces and God. I pray for the souls of your family.

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