Thursday, May 06, 2004

Mommy, happy birthday!

Hi there my dear Mother, happy birthday! Allow me to pray for you.

I pray for your well being everyday wherever will you be or what ever you will be doing. May the Lord bless your heart with peace and love and understanding. May He bless your hands that all those you would touch today will be enlightened.

May you find comfort in knowing that your children are doing fine. You have raised four kids and we are blessed with our life today because of you. I lift up all your worries to God that He will take care of them. All of them. I believe in my heart that God is doing something special for you. He will grant your heart's desire.

I pray for good health and that may you be sorrounded by love from the people around you and those who are miles away from you.

May you continue to live life to glorify our one true God. Amen

Polo: Different Moods

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Come. Celebrate life with us. Let's worship God!

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