Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A Different story

"Do not let your heart be troubled"-Jn 14:27-31

How comforting your words are. It is like an ice cold coke in a very hot, humid summer afternoon. Refreshing. :)

Last night, we closed the tv as early as 10pm (the lights as well) and we gave Polo his quiet time (though his cries filled the night from time to time. I just wanted to be with my family in silence and feel each other's presence. It is powerful indeed. "In the quiet, in the stillness I know that you are God. In the secret of presence I know there I am restored....."(from None but You-Hillsong). That's how it was, being quiet as a family allowed me to feel God's presence last night. Love was stronger when we let God takes over. I did. I let him cover us with His blanket to keep us warm. I know that only though Him can we be complete. I want God to be always part of our family. That's He would be the center of everything, the Holy Glue that would keep us close to each other. Someday when words fail to come out of our tongue when silence would cover our family, I hope it would not lead us to despair but instead it would help us realize that God is just calling us. That silence would not mean resentment or bitterness. Silence is God's language and that's how He wants to communicate with us.

Nothing else matters but to be with God as much as we can. I spent more than half my day outsid. out in the world. All I maybe focusing is about this world we live in. This small tiny world. Asia. Philippines. Makati. Office. Work station. And yet, God has offered so much. So much that this world can not contain. To let Him enter in this world is also opening the door to His world.

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