Thursday, May 03, 2007

Ask God, now!

"And whatever you ask in my name, I will do so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name I will do it" Jn 14:6-14

Dali!..... Let's ask God today! It is "asking-God-for-whatever-our-heart-desires-day! Yes!!! :)
Let me see....let me see.. what do I wish to ask for?

1. A healthy baby Polo and Josephine.
2. My .................. I've been waiting for it. You know that Lord. But You are my true Boss.
3. Bless our parents. Let them live in abundance and that they will always remain healthy.
4. Bless our siblings. Keep their faith alive and that they live in hope. May they pursue their dreams earnestly. That they always turn to you for comfort.
5. Bless our friends. May we always see You in them. Keep them safe and comfort them in their moment of sadness and confusion.
6. Bless our country. Election time is nearing. Just two weeks from now. Lord, violence has already crept in the arena. End it Father and that we may have a fair election.

there there.. i have to go. Later uli, Lord. :)

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